Get an insider’s peek at the hottest products for Spring
2019 recommended by the Giant Nutritionist Team. From gut shots and
acai bowls to Hawaiian tea and dessert hummus,
#GiantHasIt Nutritionist Picks for Spring
Willy's Fresh Salsa (in the refrigerated area of the produce
Mann's Nourish Bowls, Pero Farms Organic Plant Protein Salad
Kits, Taylor Farms Salad Kits, Dole Chopped Salad Kits (in the
refrigerated area of the produce dept)
Chobani Less Sugar Greek Yogurt & Yoplait YQ yogurt (in the
dairy dept)
Dole Acai Bowls (in the frozen fruit section of the freezer
Farmhouse Culture Gut Shots in Ginger Beet & Garlic Dill Pickle
(in the refrigerated section by produce)
Farmhouse Culture Kraut Krisps (in the snack section of the
natural foods aisle)
Kiwi (in the produce section)
Chicken of the Sea Infusions (in the canned seafood aisle)
Shaka tea (in the bottled tea aisle)
Foodies Artichoke Burgers (in the vegetarian section of the
natural food aisle’s freezer dept)
Schweid & Sons Prime Burger & The Beyond Burger (in the meat
Barilla Chickpea and Red Lentil pastas (in the pasta aisle)
with Sneaky Chef Pasta Sauce (in the natural food aisle, pasta
Boar's Head Dark Chocolate Dessert Hummus (in the refrigerated
section between produce and the deli)
Saffron Road Dark Chocolate Chickpeas (in the natural food
aisle, snack section)
Healthy Living by Giant podcast. Whether you’re curious about certain foods and diets, trying to eat better, or just want
to know more about how food affects your health and wellness, this podcast is for you. Hosted by Giant's own nutritionists.